Fine Shops

… combines several independent shops under one roof. Each of the lovingly designed stores is individually dedicated to a special topic. With the focus on high-quality niche products. Visit your favourite shop or wander through the mall with your shopping cart. At the end of your shopping tour, you bring all your selected products from the different shops to the common cash desk and complete the purchase with a single payment process. All of the your ordered productsd will be delivered to your home in a single shipment.

Fine-sShops: Many fine shops – one package


The Verjus Shop is entirely dedicated to the juice from young grapes. A historical seasoning and remedy that is used as a histamine-free alternative to lemon, vinegar or wine in the kitchen and in various refreshing drinks.



The Uhudler shop presents a wide range of products from various manufacturers, the popular specialty wine from southern Burgenland.

Uhudler Shop


Der Verjus Shop hat sich ganz dem Saft aus  jungen Weintrauben verschrieben. Einem historischen Würz- und Heilmittel das als histaminfreie Alternative zu Zitrone, Essig oder Wein in der Küche und in diversen erfrischenden Getränken Verwendung findet. 



Der Uhudler Shop präsentiert ein breites Angebot an Produkten diverser Hersteller,  der beliebten Weinspezialität aus dem Südburgenland. 

Uhudler Shop